Máaz yikááʼ nandahí Spirit wolyéígíí (éí doodaiiʼ éí, Mars Exploration Rover-a (MER-A) wolyé) éí NASA yídaʼdéízhchid. Yas Niłtʼéés 04, 2004 biyihah yę́ędą́ą́ʼ, 04:35 abinigoʼ oolkiłgoʼ Máaz yikáá neezdá. Áádóó taa damóo azlį́į́hgoʼ éí Máaz yikááʼ nandahí Opportunity (MER-B) akéídoo yiitʼá áádóó éí Máaz yikáaʼgi neezdá. Azhí adaalyéʼígíí éí naaltsoos bikáaʼgi ałchiní daʼoołtágiʼ essay beeʼałgááhanééhgoʼ azhí adaalyá.

Máaz yikááʼ nandahí, béésh bee akʼeʼelchíhí tʼáá bí nitsékeesígíí bee naashchʼąąʼgoʼ ályaa, tʼóó baa nitsáhákeesgo.

Spirit éí ałtsó bininaanish ayiilá, díí éí 90-sol mission (Saad "sol" éí Máaz bikáaʼgi anáʼatʼááhígíí oolyé, nidaʼałkááhi akwii tʼéígiʼ daʼyoozhí) baʼdéítʼááʼ nitʼę́ę́h. Spirit Máaz bikáaʼgi táá dilyéédgoʼ neeznáá kilometers niilwod, tʼááłaʼiʼ kilometer nidoolwoł hanį́į́h nitʼę́ę́h. Spirit Máaz yikáaʼgi nidzitiʼgoʼ Máaz bikáaʼgi tsé naaznilígíí nééskáá áádóó Máaz bikáaʼgi anoolinígíí ałdóʼ neeskáá. Spirit binaanish ayiiláʼígíí éí naaltsoos bikáaʼgi bikʼiʼdaʼashį́ʼ, naaltsoos special issue of the journal Science wolyéego beeʼnidaʼneezdéʼ[1].

Tʼááchil 01, 2010 biyihah yę́ędą́ą́ʼ Spirit séí yihiilwod [2]. Tseebíí nidéízid chʼééh séí biyiʼdę́ę́ hanaalyéédgoʼ, áádóó tʼoh chéíhʼalį́į́hdiʼ. NASAjiʼ nidaalnishígíí tʼáá chʼéí adaʼyiiłʼį́į́hdiʼ, Yas Niłtʼéés 26, 2010go yoołkááłgoʼ bikʼíʼ adéísdéí [3], séí yiisiʼzįįʼnidiʼ tʼaa binaanish yiiłį́į́hgoʼ naʼaałkááh doolééł [4].

Woozhchʼį́į́hdiʼ 22, 2010go yoołkááł yę́ędą́ą́ʼ tʼáá akééhdiʼ beesh yééholnéʼ nitʼę́ę́h, áádóó dishjį́goʼ doo halnéʼdaʼ [5]

Ahééháshį́į́h Hahoodzodę́ę́go Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) wolyéígíí NASA yikáá anjááhgoʼ Máazgo ałnáá daʼtʼááhígíí yiikʼiʼ daʼdéízʼį́į́h.

Máaz yikááʼ nandahí, Spirit wolyéego neezdá.

bitsʼą́ą́dóó ééhózinii

  1. ^ Science, Vol. 305, issue 5685, pp 737–900 (6 August 2004). Ghąąjįʼ 13, 2010.
  2. ^ Henry Fountain (May 26, 2009). "Crater was Shaped by Wind and Water, Mars Rover Data Shows". New York Times. Ghąąjįʼ 13, 2010.
  3. ^ Amos, Jonathan (Yas Niłtʼéés 26, 2010). "Nasa accepts Spirit Mars rover ‘stuck for good’". BBC News. Ghąąjįʼ 13, 2010. "The US space agency (Nasa) has conceded defeat in its battle to free the Spirit rover from its Martian sand trap. The vehicle became stuck in soft soil back in May last year and all the efforts to extricate it have failed."
  4. ^ NASA (Yas Niłtʼéés 26, 2010). "Now a Stationary Research Platform, NASA’s Mars Rover Spirit Starts a New Chapter in Red Planet Scientific Studies". Press release. Ghąąjįʼ 13, 2010. "Washington—After six years of unprecedented exploration of the Red Planet, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit no longer will be a fully mobile robot. NASA has designated the once-roving scientific explorer a stationary science platform after efforts during the past several months to free it from a sand trap have been unsuccessful."
  5. ^ sols 2330–2334, July 23–27, 2010 "Spirit Awaits "Solar Groovy"". NASA. 2010-08-02. Ghąąjįʼ 13, 2010.